Tuesday, November 11, 2008

1000 People Making Kimchee

We were among 12 missionaries and another 989 people that worked for three hours this morning to make kimchee for those in need. Above are thousands of styrofoam boxes of kimchee. The mayor of this district came and shook our hands and gave us his business card. About 20 different news organizations interviewed various missionaries while they photographed them. One journalist was from the Voice of America.
Kimchee is made by taking bok choy cabbage, soaking it in a salt water brine for 4 hours or more, cutting the head of cabbage in half, and coating each leaf with a mixture of soybean paste, chile powder, garlic, green onion, dried shrimp, julienned radishes and then letting it all pickle for a while. It was great fun. Some of the Korean women would take the tender inner leaves and feed them to us as we worked. After the first 2 hours we got back rubs from the host company employees of Home Plus. They also gave us water, rice cakes and encouragement as we made the most popular dish in Korea.
It was great fun. We came home exhausted, changed into our missionary attire and street contacted for a few hours with 8 other missionaries and got close to 100 people to give us their name and phone number for free English classes.


Ann said...

What a production!

gammy said...

That is an amazing sight!

Anonymous said...

That was Katy above!

CP said...

MY husband, the sweet raw-foodist, is a kim-chee lover. We have recently been blessed with a crock for fermenting vegetables. We look forward to following your recipe and your example of service at least on a smaller scale for our situation.

CP said...

P.S. What did it smell like, especially after 3 hours?