Saturday, October 11, 2008


Last night was our final tutoring class with Brother Byun. He has been wonderful! We have had a couple of other tutors and though they have been good, and taught us well, Byun has made it FUN! One of my favorite moments is when we ask him a question about grammar or whatever and he will stop and look up to the corner of the ceiling, squint his eyes, tilt his head and start speaking Korean really fast trying to figure out how to say it best.
And then he tells us the correct way to say it.
Other times when we really stump him, he takes the "phone a friend" option and he calls his friend who he refers to as a "banana", because he is yellow on the outside and white on the inside--meaning he is Korean but was born in the US. We will miss our meetings with Byung Young Un in the basement of 4M.
To wrap up our MTC experience last night. We met with all the other Senior Couple Missionaries after our tutoring class who are also learning a language and had a testimony meeting with each missionary speaking in their respective mission language--Spanish, German, French, Russian, Tagalog, Danish, and Haung Gook. It made us cry to see these humble couples stand up and bear testimony in a language not quite yet their own. Some were so frightened they were ready to faint or hyperventilate, but every one of them did it! And I love them for it--for their willingness to leave grandchildren family, home, and comfort zone and share what is most dear to their hearts- that Sisu Kalaisi, Jesu Kristo, Jesus Kristu, or Yeasu Kareesito lives. And the Gospel is restored and can be taught in 52+ languages.
Thank you Byun Young Un for your many hours trying to get our tongues to form the words that will become ours for the next 18 months.

1 comment:

Ann said...

Beautiful words Dad. Thank you for your testimony