Wednesday, May 14, 2008


This was one of Ashley's unfinished mirror paintings that she didn't want anymore. This morning I was excited because the garbage man took away the base to a kiddie ride, so I decided to fill the garbage can with other detritus. So I scored the mirror with a glass cutter and then attempted to break it into nice manageable pieces to put in the garbage can. My first break became millions that shot across the garage in all directions. Then it continued to pop and crackle and hiss as it expressed it's dismay at my plans to cut it down to size.


The Baker's Goods said...

I had one of these break while I was holding it upright in my hands, SCARY! Did it scare you to death?

Rebecca said...

That IS scary.

Unknown said...

It was a shocker! And then it continued to make noise for a half an hour after it happened.

Ann said...

That WOULD be scary! Did you get hurt?