rustic rosemary bread with olive oil and balsamic
syrup dip, green salad with sesame soy sauce
dressing and chocolate cupcakes with chocolate
cream cheese frosting. After dinner we played
scripture chase focusing on the Plan of Salvation.
After that we did two pages of the short "e" sound
vocabs, and two pages of idioms. How do you define
"You don't say!"?, or "Live and let live"? or
"Pay the piper"? "I'm over my head!"
I think my English class days in Japan added fuel to the still buring passion I have for idioms.
Not to use them necessarily, but to know why we say them and where they orginate from.
I have always been that way about language. It facinates me what we say certain things. Why do we call it "brand/or bran new". Why people suggest something is literally "on fire" or something similar--and yet it literally is not the case. Can you imagine?
Why do we often tell the "honest truth".
And how we choose to be so base at times. There are so many beautiful ways to express ourselves--so why are we sloppy.
Katy says I can be critical. I like to say I demand excellence. See. . another use of our language.
Knudsen Klan!! I have been meaning to tell you this for WEEKS... but Elder Carter who is out there with you has a sister that works at Dear Lizzie with me!?!
Paula Carter was telling me about a wonderful couple missionary that always sends her pictures of her boy and after some connecting the dots I found out it is YOU! Of course it would be our Kurt and Becky that are good deeding halfway across the world!
Elder Carter's sister not only works with me, but she is one of my Highland Junior Miss girls that I mentor! The world is indeed small.
I think about you all the time and keep you in my prayers. I love you and love the work you are doing!
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