Saturday, July 10, 2010


We loved the American Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore. It features artists that weren't formally taught.
An embroidered last will and testament.
The anonymous sculptor found the trunk of an old apple tree on the grounds of a mental hospital where he was a patient (I don't think I'd be patient in a mental hospital--not a patient, just not patient). He had an orderly help him haul it back to the hospital where he carved it.  He also had tuberculosis. One of the effects of the disease is a sunken chest. It is the only work he ever created.
Rebecca needed a photo of this in honor of Lynn, her nurse sister whose expertise is birthing practices around the world.
This is a fishing chest of drawers. He also carved a cast iron oven chest of drawers and a hunting motif chest of drawers.
The tourists outside the Visionary Art Museum.
The exterior of The American Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore.